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In this demanding period of time, where half the world is working remotely, IT industries are experiencing a major setback. It has become difficult to finish the work on time with everyone working remotely. According to MuleSoft’s Connectivity Benchmark Report, only 44% of IT teams are believed to have finished all of the tasks they were requested to do last year, with roughly 52% failing to do so. With these statistics, the work is slowing down and the challenges are getting tougher and tighter.

This is when MuleSoft comes to ease the pain. A platform that automates and assists in integration of data and system, automatically handles work and processes all in one platform. Now that you have basic information, read on to find out more about MuleSoft and how it fits into the iPaas market.

MuleSoft & How It Fits The Accelerating Market of iPaaS

Headquartered in San Francisco, MuleSoft is a software organization that provides a platform to connect data, devices and applications across cloud and sites. iPaaS is not a new subject in the market. Many IT sectors and industries have taken the benefit of it. It is a tool which reduces technology costs and quickens maintenance time along with increasing data accuracy and MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform gives the best iPaaS integration platform solution. It is designed to provide end-to-end secure connection along with other features on office systems.

Exploring The Capabilities of MuleSoft: A Comprehensive Look At Its Key Features

  • Integration With Variety of Applications & Systems By providing more than 200+ connectors, like SAP, databases, Salesforce, NetSuite and others, it connects any system from anywhere in the world. Simplifies Integration with a variety of applications and systems, offers real-time integrating facilities of messages and events and an added benefit to move any type of record between applications and data sources with the help of built-in batch tool.
  • Provides Data Transformation & Mapping CapabilitiesIt constitutes ETL process with drag and drop functionalities and visual mapping tools which makes the integrating of complex data transformations easier by reducing the need for writing new code.
  • Offers Security & ComplianceEnables customers to protect their custom applications and data. Some of the best ones are audit logs, encrypting modules, penetration of testing policies, identity management and more. Being GDPR compliant, it is equipped with advanced security features to ensure maximum-level security. Users can operate them according to their company’s policies and regulatory requirements.

Leveraging MuleSoft For Successful Integration, API Management, and Industry-Specific Benefits

iPaaS has been used in industries like healthcare, finance, pharmaceuticals where it has reduced errors, provided highest security, multiple system compatibility and maintained proper validation of data. The major companies that use MuleSoft are Netflix, Spotify, Coca-Cola, Office Depot etc.

Assists In:

  • Prompt Service
  • Better integration results and lesser workload
  • Reduction in cost, improved scalability & connectivity
  • API management


The platform requires you to subscribe, choosing the tools and services for configuration and automating integration based on monthly subscription fee or pay by use rate. Once done, the iPaaS offers a wide range of enterprise solutions and supports real-time data exchange.

Get Started With MuleSoft Now

Getting started with MuleSoft requires you to sign up and fill the required fields which consist of basic information, password and accepting the legal agreement. Check out here for  further details.

Final Note

The market for MuleSoft is booming, so now is the perfect time to make a switch. Embark on your business by employing iPaaS to enhance API connectivity. With minimal errors and high demand, make your strategic business decisions aligned to your organizational objectives.

Get complete assistance from subject-matter specialists, our proficient team utilizes the right tools and resources to produce excellent solutions for your business. Contact us right away, for further details.

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