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From legacy system to cloud Excellence

Businesses today thrive in a turbulent phase, exploiting every opportunity that buoys their profit margin. Organizations swarm to the cloud to stay nimble, cut costs, and ensure the future thrive, as technology penetrates every part of a consumer’s life. According to Gartner, over 30% of new software investments of technology providers will shift to cloud-only. An influx of new challenges and uncertainties are emerging in line with technologies for businesses to combat and rise to shine in the new era of cloud computing.

The cloud migration challenges that emerged are pervasive, with data loss, cyber-attacks, data center closures, stringent regulatory compliance being issues of major concern for any cloud architect or CIO. Businesses are therefore looking ahead and preparing themselves accordingly for a controlled and secure cloud migration. However,  meticulous planning combined with an exquisite execution is indispensable, which is why cloud migration is considered a tedious pain spectrum, second to cloud security. Let us first look at some cloud migration challenges that organizations face and then at key solutions that effectively address them, to minimize risk and maximize the upside of the migration process.

Cloud Migration Challenges Faced by Organizations 

As companies are increasingly shifting to the cloud, cloud computing has exploded over the past decade and the number of cloud providers and solutions continue to increase. However, before an enterprise makes the jump, a strategy for migrating to the cloud must be developed. The strategy must include how to overcome the challenges associated with cloud migration. The following are certain common challenges faced by companies during cloud migration.

Narrow Analysis of Migration Cost 

If you fail to analyze the cost of cloud computing strategy, the migration process will eat into your expenses that are meant for other business activities and errands. The cloud server also generates a huge bill at the month’s end. The costs associated with migration and operation must be evaluated properly in advance so that you can save on your cost. Elements such as capital expenditure, operational expenditure, and overhead expenses must be considered while calculating the total cost of ownership or return on investment. It is a must that the CIOs focus on evaluating the cloud migration cost based on their business requirements and budget.

Vendor Lock-in 

In case some things go wrong with the CSP’ after the migration process, the organizations are compelled to switch to another vendor. This entails a significant expenditure, which is why several businesses look to multiple cloud vendors for their data, infrastructure, and applications to evade risks and save on costs. Most of the  CSPs in the market operate with similar concepts and it is, therefore, necessary that you compare them based on their service offerings. Key considerations for the selection of a CSP are cloud migration goals, cloud component necessities, manageability,  service levels, support, and costs. Adopters of cloud technology commonly face the issue of vendor lock-in. You must look for SLAs that include information on efforts that the vendor would take in case you are considering stopping using their services.

Privacy and Security 

At present, the cloud vendors comprise advanced security systems that ensure a  tamper-proof environment, be it private, public, or hybrid cloud. Before you partner with any CSP, getting a detailed knowledge of key areas such as data migration from the cloud, security governance procedures and policies, end-to-end data encryption, and data storage location, is a must.

Poorly Defined Business Objectives and Strategy 

The most significant error made by organizations in their move to the cloud is not coming up with a proper strategy. End-to-end planning that involves no shortcuts is the key to successful cloud migration. This is because some applications and data might be difficult to migrate and a ‘one-size-fits-all solution does not exist. It is necessary for the organizations to identify their assets in the roadmap and strategy and divide the whole migration strategy into different stages to make the migration process seamless.

Training Employees on Cloud Technologies

Cloud is an important shift in the working environment of the organization, and therefore, all users of this technology within the organization must be trained to use it. As cloud will not only affect the IT department of an organization, the company has to spend time and resources on training all the employees across departments about the benefits and right ways to utilize the cloud software and educate them about the various legal and security aspects that they must follow.


Cloud migration may sound like a challenging and time and resource-consuming task, however, it is an inevitable part of growth for enterprises. The most important asset for the organization in this phase is to have a clear and well-defined cloud migration strategy. Having an experienced cloud service provider may be helpful. The easiest way to overcome these challenges is to migrate under the guidance of sector experts. Cloud experts at AIT Global India can facilitate your migration to the cloud and provide innovative solutions for the aforementioned cloud migration challenges and help you select the right CSP.

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